Bluefintuna from IKI

縺阪l縺縺ェ繝槭げ繝ュ縺ァ縺呻シ√%繧後ッ髟キ蟠守恁 螢ア蟯撰シ医>縺搾シ臥肇縺ョ譛ャ繝槭げ繝ュ縺ァ縺吶

螟ゥ辟カ譛ャ繝槭げ繝ュ縲√→險縺縺ィ縲悟、ァ髢鍋肇 縲阪′繝。繧ク繝」繝シ縺ァ莠コ豌礼黄縺ェ繧薙〒縺吶′譌・譛ャ蜷蝨ー縺ァ譛ャ繝槭げ繝ュ縺ッ豌エ謠壹£縺輔l縺セ縺吶ゅb縺。繧阪s縲鬮倡エ壼ッソ蜿ク蠎励→蜻シ縺ー繧後k縺雁コ励↓繧ょコ闕キ縺輔l縺ヲ縺縺セ縺吶







谺。蝗槭∪縺溘梧エ・霆ス豬キ蟲。逕」 譛ャ繝槭げ繝ュ縲阪↓縺、縺縺ヲ縺願ゥア縺励◆縺縺ィ諤昴>縺セ縺吶

Its beautifull!!! This isツ tuna from Ikiツ in Nagasaki Prefecture. Among wild bluefin tuna, ‘OMA’ is big major, but these are fishing in various parts of Japan. Of course, it is also shipping toツ a high-quality sushi shop.

However, in winter season , this tuna from OMA hasツbe the most delicious time of the year. IKI tuna will lose the active scene.

So why do you get big difference with OMA? What do you think?

Although this has various opinions, the main thing to say is that there is a big difference in “bait =foods” which tuna eats. The fishing ground of “Tsugaru Straits Bluefin tuna(Tsugaru-kaikyo)” is the Tsugaru Straits. And they are eating ‘squid’ and ‘Pacific saury(Sanma)’ there.ツ

窶サツ“OMA bluefin tuna” belongs to “Tsugaru Kaikyo bluefin tuna”

It seems that fat in the internal organs of this “squid ” and “pacific saury(Sanma)” has a great influence on the taste of tuna fat. I love human beings as well. On the other hand, “Tuna from IKI” seems to be eating mainly “Saba” “Sardine” “Asia” etc. in the Genkai Nada. Because we can see what they ate if we look at tuna’s internal organs.縲ツanother one, there is “flow of tides” I heard that the Tsugaru Strait in winter is rough and fishermen who go out to fishing are also danger. We know, “Tuna Ginkoku Tuna from Tsugaru Strait” is a tuna that was endured by the roug wave.

If you have the opportunity, please eat and compareh.

Those with a high price 竕 absolutely good things.ツ

We believe that you don’t judge it only by price and nameツ.

Next time We would like to talk about “Tsugaru strait Bluefin tuna”

Have a nice day!!!







遘√◆縺。縺ョ莉穂コ/// Our Works

Tsukiji fish market












Places that can窶冲 be separated from our work. of course !its Tsukiji Fish Market. Recently it has become a hot topic on relocation issues, but we are working in Tsukiji every day unchanged.

Well, We often get inquiries about 窶忤ork content窶, but our company work is mainly all related to 窶弋UNA窶 .ツ

export, import, Frozen processing business, Bluefin tuna, Big eye tuna, Yellowfin tuna, Swordfish…..etc

Of course, sales and buying is main business, but we also produce the Tuna cutting show ( Kaitai Show) and sell tuna related tools.

Among them 窶弋sukiji Fish Market窶 is a special place for me.I have been working in Tsukiji fish market 30 years already. ツ Place where we well tuna bought from various place ,and place to buy fish at auction. This is Tsukiji for us.

13 years ago, i was tuna auctioneer at Tukiji fish market. but , Now it is a opposite position from now position. It is a very marvel feeling for me, but it was very valuable for me to experienced both sides.ツ

A seller who wants to sell at a hight price. and buyers who want to buy it cheaply. As circumstances and position change , things that can be seen also change.

We love the tuna business and work of tuna including it!!




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