Unspoken rules of Tsukiji Fish Market

In October this year, The Tsukiji fish market will be relocated to Toyosu, and it will finally come to the final chapter.

Personally I am memorable and makes me somewhat sentimental feeling, but the other day when we walked around the Toyosu new fish market, I felt interesting to the feeling of something new started.

Our company’s president he has been working in Tsukiji for 30 years. but I am still a beginner in Tsukiji . its only 10 years.

Tsukiji fish market, which is said to be the best in the world.

There are many unspoken rules in Tsukiji fish market. and I love this unique atmosphere of Tsukiji.

Among them, the most unique rule is about “food” rules.  Even saying “food” is not grormet but  “meals” of those working in the Tsukiji fish market.

A lot of tourists recently makes a long line at the Sushi restaurants , which is representative of Tsukiji gourmet from early in the morning, but i will not talking about it today.(sorry…hahaha)

Look at this!!! Did you notice? It is not a fork or Chopsticks attached to this sandwich. It’s a toothpick. and this is a normal style.There are nice reasons for this. People who work in the Tsukiji fish market handle fish , it isn’t tasty to eat with its hands of that fish smell. Therefore, a toothpick that can eat easily without touching the bread is attached. And its cut smaller than normal sandwich. This is the same even if you ordered butter toast. Rules made by the a staff of long ago still remain. there are also many variations when order for toast bread.     grilled? or no grilled? to cut of toast ? or no cut? you need butter ? you need cheese? you need jam? etc…. ….. if when you will say「normal please」when ordering , i don’t know what will come.(hahaha)

Tsukiji fish market with lots of original !!

And one more rule we respect most.  coffee shops in Tsukiji. there is seat for old masters who comes at same time every morning.   that is not something that someone decided. its「unspoken rules」

※old master/ old gentleman…→ it we called “ DANNA” 

If i think that i sit without knowing anything, i am scared !!!

But most of these rules are for the Tuna shop’s old masters( DANNA)   The tuna shop and tuna shop master in Tsukiji fish market has a big presence. 

Long time ago, when our company’s president(name is OGI)He was still a rookie auctioneer, afeter finishing the auction for tuna ,  when he inadvertently sat in a coffee shop and drank coffee, then old master of tuna shop come in.  old master He didn’t say anything by looking at it , just closed the door and when back to the tuna shop. OGI he immediately thought that 「OMG!!!!!!!!」and immediately ran to the old master’s tuna shop. and apologized.  of course, OGI he was aware the experience of “unspoken rules” . However , he was careless because it was not time zone they ware coming. However, Old masters they never gets angry.  But!!! This action of “going apologously” OGI he knew that it would affect his auctioneer life. 

Every morning, at the fixed time, at fixed place , eat a same menu and go back to work. A story of only about 30 minuets. I love such a wonderful atmosphere. Every morning someone ate curry , someone ate Ramen , someone ate bread…..

they keep on  doing it everyday for decades. its a special atmosphere of Tsukiji fish market.

However, only staff over the age of 40 know this unspoken rules. The tsukiji fish market where gradual change of generations is carried out, and new Toyosu fish market. there is another rules will start, and the times change.

its less than 8 mouths remaining until relocation. We would like to enjoy old rules and everyday tsukiji scenery.

Finally, Mr. Kakuno( Furukawa of tuna shop’s old master) who was drinking after action of tuna every morning in this seat coffe.  ( the third piece of the photo).  Mr, Kakuno has passed away before Tsukiji relocation. Every time i come through here i will feel Kakuno san . 

I pray from the bottom of my heart that his soul may rest in peace…….















実はうちの瀟長がただ新人の頃、マグロの競りを終えた埌、喫茶店でうっかり座っおコヌヒヌを飲んでた時にマグロ屋仲卞の旊那が入っおきた。それを芋お䜕を蚀う蚳でもなく、ただドアをしめお店ぞ垰っお行った。すぐに「ダバむ」ず慌おお走り仲卞ぞむかい「先皋は倱瀌いたした」ず謝りに行ったこずがあるずか。勿論、圌は「暗黙のルヌル」の存圚をしっおいた。ただ時間垯がずれおいた事ぞの油断がマズかった。かず蚀っお旊那に䜕か怒られる蚳ではないが、「謝りにいく」このたった䞀぀の行動がその埌のマグロ競り人 人生を倧きく倉えるこずは、わかりきっおいる。








Bluefintuna from IKI

きれいなマグロですこれは長厎県 壱岐いき産の本マグロです。

倩然本マグロ、ず蚀うず「倧間産 」がメゞャヌで人気物なんですが日本各地で本マグロは氎揚げされたす。もちろん、高玚寿叞店ず呌ばれるお店にも出荷されおいたす。







次回たた「接軜海峡産 本マグロ」に぀いおお話したいず思いたす。

Its beautifull!!! This is  tuna from Iki  in Nagasaki Prefecture. Among wild bluefin tuna, ‘OMA’ is big major, but these are fishing in various parts of Japan. Of course, it is also shipping to  a high-quality sushi shop.

However, in winter season , this tuna from OMA has be the most delicious time of the year. IKI tuna will lose the active scene.

So why do you get big difference with OMA? What do you think?

Although this has various opinions, the main thing to say is that there is a big difference in “bait =foods” which tuna eats. The fishing ground of “Tsugaru Straits Bluefin tuna(Tsugaru-kaikyo)” is the Tsugaru Straits. And they are eating ‘squid’ and ‘Pacific saury(Sanma)’ there. 

※ “OMA bluefin tuna” belongs to “Tsugaru Kaikyo bluefin tuna”

It seems that fat in the internal organs of this “squid ” and “pacific saury(Sanma)” has a great influence on the taste of tuna fat. I love human beings as well. On the other hand, “Tuna from IKI” seems to be eating mainly “Saba” “Sardine” “Asia” etc. in the Genkai Nada. Because we can see what they ate if we look at tuna’s internal organs.  another one, there is “flow of tides” I heard that the Tsugaru Strait in winter is rough and fishermen who go out to fishing are also danger. We know, “Tuna Ginkoku Tuna from Tsugaru Strait” is a tuna that was endured by the roug wave.

If you have the opportunity, please eat and compareh.

Those with a high price ≠ absolutely good things. 

We believe that you don’t judge it only by price and name .

Next time We would like to talk about “Tsugaru strait Bluefin tuna”

Have a nice day!!!







私たちの仕事/// Our Works

Tsukiji fish market












Places that can’t be separated from our work. of course !its Tsukiji Fish Market. Recently it has become a hot topic on relocation issues, but we are working in Tsukiji every day unchanged.

Well, We often get inquiries about “work content”, but our company work is mainly all related to “TUNA” . 

export, import, Frozen processing business, Bluefin tuna, Big eye tuna, Yellowfin tuna, Swordfish…..etc

Of course, sales and buying is main business, but we also produce the Tuna cutting show ( Kaitai Show) and sell tuna related tools.

Among them “Tsukiji Fish Market” is a special place for me.I have been working in Tsukiji fish market 30 years already.   Place where we well tuna bought from various place ,and place to buy fish at auction. This is Tsukiji for us.

13 years ago, i was tuna auctioneer at Tukiji fish market. but , Now it is a opposite position from now position. It is a very marvel feeling for me, but it was very valuable for me to experienced both sides. 

A seller who wants to sell at a hight price. and buyers who want to buy it cheaply. As circumstances and position change , things that can be seen also change.

We love the tuna business and work of tuna including it!!









生粋の“江戞前寿叞”  70歳を超えた䌝説ず蚀われる倧将に、玠晎らしいマグロを握っお頂き、感動しお店をあずにしたした。




Long days passed since the last blog update. How is everyone going?  it is nearing the end of November already.

We look forward to how will be year end shopping for December.But, every year, no one can predict.

This picture is tuna at the sushi restaurant we went to in front of. He is a legendary sushi craftman(Sushi Shokunin) who is over 70years old.

We had a valuable experience. And we are looking forward to visiting again soon.








北米 倩然本マグロ ① /// Wild Bluefin tuna From Nortth America

Tsukiji fish Market

日本が梅雚入りをする頃、北米では倩然本マグロ釣りのシヌズンに入りたす。シヌズンがオヌプンするのは、月日。しかし本栌的に持に出お出荷が始たるのは、th July アメリカ独立蚘念日あけから。独立蚘念日はアメリカ人にずっお最倧のむベントで、前埌で䌑暇をずるんです。

そんな 月日を過ぎた頃から、築地のセリ堎にもマグロが䞊び始めたした。

北米マグロずは、ボストン、カナダで氎揚げされるマグロのこず。平均サむズがKg頭、尟 付きのBIGサむズ。マグロ業界では「ゞャンボマグロ」ず呌ばれおいたす。








Every summer, in North America it is the season for natural tuna (fishing). The season will open on June 1st. However, shipping begins in earnest and shipping starts from the end of the 4th July American Independence Day.

Since around July 4, tuna started to line up at the Auction Place of Tsukiji fish market.

North American tuna is  unloadinging at Boston and Canada. BIG size with an average  of 150 kg (head, with tail). It is called “Jumbo MAGUO”in Japan. But The American fisherman calls “Giant bluefin tuna”

But still the tuna is skny and thin fat.

September is the best season! ! ! “Jumbo MAGURO” season has come.

A lot of tuna come at Tsukiji fish market every day.
By the way, at the end of the season of Jumbo Maguro in Boston, the fishing ground will move to Canada.

Our company also imports from Boston every year, we are selling in various markets including Tsukiji market




定眮マグロの季節/// Japanese set net tuna season

倧船枡 定眮マグロ



先日、郜内にあるお寿叞屋さんで「倧船枡 定眮マグロ」を頂きたした。


倧船枡 定眮マグロ


倧船枡 定眮マグロ



定眮網の䞭でマグロは倚少のストレスず、氎揚げ時に倚少 暎れたす。倧きく暎れるず「ダケ」ず蚀われる品質䜎䞋に぀ながるのですが、そのギリギリの暎れによっおマグロ自身が乳酞を出し、酞味を感じるのではないか、ず思っおたす。




倧船枡 定眮マグロ

From around May before summer, the season of set net tuna will be on the Japan Sea side and the Pacific side of Japan

We also purchase the set net tuna of the Japan Sea side “Aomori Prefecture · Fukaura Town” and the Pacific side “Iwate Prefecture · Ofunato” and selling it in Tsukiji market and various places.

The other day,  We ate a “set net tuna(Ofunato)” at a sushi restaurant  at the Tokyo.

Standing tuna is worth “AKAMI”

“AKAMI” has a little sour taste. This is umami of AKAMI. But “TORO” becomes light fat. This is the characteristic of summer tuna.

Set net tuna is also popular with sushi craftsmen

Why do you feel acidity on “set net tuna” and include umami?

This is my opinion…….

Tuna is slightly stressed in the net. And a little rampage at the time of landing. If the tuna badly ramps it will result in quality degradation. It is called “YAKE”. However, I think that tuna itself will emit lactic acid due to a little rampage and feel sour taste

We would like to enjoy this “set net tuna” indefinitely until August. Everyone, please check the difference of “set net tuna”&”summer’s tuna”






本マグロ逊殖堎 芖察 /// Bluefin tuna Farmming





逊殖甚マグロの持堎は、リビア沖、スペむン・マゞョルカ島沖など、堎所は様々ですが、地䞭海の逊殖䌚瀟の党おをあわせるず 15,000mt もの数量になりたす。

この 15,000mt ずいう数量は、党䞖界に流通する「逊殖本マグロ」のを占めたす。ちなみに、日本の囜産逊殖本マグロも同じくを占めたす。









Season start of set net tuna at Aomori



青森県深浊町 岩厎枯日本海偎に所属しおたす網元さんのもずぞシヌズン前のご挚拶ぞ䌺いたした。

この網元さんずは幎来のお付き合いになり、毎幎トン皋 販売を任せお頂いおおりたす。


これから月たで青森県 日本海偎で定眮網持のマグロ氎揚げが行われたす。


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